The past couple weeks, the abbreviated version: snow, deadlines, snow, ice, my 11-year-old computer died (sniff), more snow, a couple of gallons of hot cocoa, more snow. I’m turning in final art for a 2020 picture book in under a week, so that’s been consuming my life lately. Waking up days at 5:00 means quiet, calm, books and coffee while the sky goes from inky black to golden. And when I head home nights, it’s still light out and it feels like maybe, maybe, I can pack up the snow shovel. I’m already looking at gardening books, but realism means I’m sticking with forced quince branches at the moment.
In addition, I loved Strong Poison and binge listened to The Dropout. I’m sewing this favorite dress pattern again. And the ice has finally melted off the sidewalks and the dog and I can walk without the assurance that one (or both) of us will break a leg. Huzzah!
So that’s life in a nutshell, somewhere between winter and spring.