

It’s the kind of February where it’s ten in the morning and I realize I still haven’t eaten breakfast. So there’s oatmeal in front of me and a desire to avoid being sucked into the internet, so how about a blog post instead?

* I’m putting the finishing touches on a Valentine printable that’ll be available to download early next week. If you’re looking for a free Valentine, though, here’s one from 2019, 2018 and 2016.

* I’m about a third of the way through Little Dorrit. I’m fascinated by the social commentary and the intersecting plot elements, but I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite Dickens. Although to be fair, I’ve still got quite a ways to go.

* My next fabric collection Cozy Up, comes out with FIGO Fabrics this coming August! You can see the collection here. I 110% want to sew a skirt with the patchwork inspired design.

* And the paper whites are all in full bloom. One decided to take a flying leap off the windowsill, though, but I managed to take a snap of it before said disaster.

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