November in a Nutshell


Bits and pieces of November. It’s one of my favorite months. I like the slowness of it all. The buzz of summer is over, winter’s lethargy hasn’t yet set in. It’s dark early and dark late, but there’s still bursts of rust and bronze on the trees. And Thanksgiving, which of course means tangentially, pies.

  • It doesn’t look like Open Studios will be a go this year, having been cancelled again. I spend most of the year prepping work for the weekend event (like the embroidered pin above). I thought about stashing things for next year, but instead will be slowly listing things in my online shop. I’m not doing commissions per se, but am planning to have a custom offering here in the next week or two (more on that later).

  • Speaking of Open Studios, my studio neighbors are the incomparable Joy Lane Farm. They make some of the most amazing soap and they ship near and far. They’re good people, doing good things, so have a gander.

  • I love the activity sheets Tundra puts together for its books and there’s a new one out for Anne’s Tragical Tea Party, the next book in the Anne of Green Gables inspired series I’ve been illustrating.
