The Mysterious Identity of the Masked Mademoiselle

A little something for All Hallows' Eve. Hope your plans tonight involve something seasonally apropos. I caught a showing of Nosferatu the other night (CREEPY) and I'm currently imbibing pumpkin flavored coffee (DELICIOUS), so it's safe to say I'm feeling sufficiently October 31'ish at the moment.

Happy Halloween!

Halloween Stickers - Free Printable

Hey, hey, October! Because Halloween's 'round the corner, here's a free printable for some spooky stickers. I've sized them to fit Avery's sticker paper, but you can always print them out on regular paper and glue them to what have you. These could also be fun printed on fabric transfer paper, added to t-shirts, trick-or-treat bags, etc. In short, have fun and enjoy!


 For personal, school and library use only, please. Copyright Abigail Halpin, 2014.


Happy All Hallow's Eve! I made a comic for today and you can read it over here.

Hope you have a happy (and safe) October 31st. It's grey, drizzly and cold here (in short: gross). So in light of that forecast, I raise my chocolate bar to you, intrepid trick or treaters of this fair nation.

All Hallow's Eve

Because there isn't enough Halloween in my sketchbook at the moment. But to be totally honest, I don't think I ever ran around All Hallow's Eve with just a cardigan. Show of hands, who else designed their costumes to fit over a winter coat? I distinctly remember Halloween '88 being the only pirate in history to wear a turquoise parka.

And jumping forward a few months, I have a quick survey. I've had a few people ask if I've ever thought of offering a calendar and I've been mulling the idea over. Is that the sort of thing other people would be interested in?