It's A Mystery...


October seems as good a month as any to celebrate mayhem and mystery. And to coincide, I’ve created a new collection of embroidery motifs, available as a PDF download in the shop. Inspired by classic mystery novels and whodunits, designing and stitching this was right up my alley. I spent my teen years reading Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle before becoming a Lord Peter Wimsey* fan as an adult. Even my dog is named after a literary detective.

The pattern includes two pages of designs, featuring 19 different motifs. And there’s also a page detailing transfer methods, for how to get your design from paper to fabric. You can add these designs to dish towels, clothing or create hoop artwork with them.

*Why Lord Peter Wimsey hasn’t seen a television reboot is beyond me. BBC or ITV, in the unlikelihood that you ever read these words, consider this a plea to bring Dorothy Sayer’s detective back to the small screen.