

Sitting on the back porch, embroidery hoop, thread and cold beverage in hand: the best way to spend a a July night. Eventually the light dies and the fireflies start their incandescent semaphore, but usually by that point I've shaped a flower with thread and wound down from the bustle of the day.

Oh, Summer.


Teenage obsessions: getting my bangs to flip up just so, watching the "Buddy Holly" video roughly fifty million times and any/all books that had to do with the Romanov family.

The more things change, the more they stay the same? Happy Weekends!

Under the Waves

Sketchbook-in' it today. I think she's got the right idea for these temps.


And I wasn't kidding about those berries, proof positive.

Les Framboises


The raspberries are out, as are the blueberries and (inevitably) the mosquitoes. The combination of all three means I'm eating lots of berries and continuously itching insect-inflicted battle scars. But it's worth it all, a sort of summer badge of honor.

Now if you don't mind me, it's 90+ degrees here and I'm sans air conditioner. Basically, that's a long-winded wind-up to say that I'm going swimming.