Make Do and Mend

They sure don't make 'em like they used to, no siree.

And if you're eagle-eyed, you can spot this little illustration in the newest issue of Uppercase Magazine (which is a mighty fine publication, by the by).

Orange You Glad


Satsumas were on sale at the grocery store, so I bought a few. And for the rest of the week, orange hues kept popping up everywhere.

And in non-orange related matters, I'm putting together a FAQ post about illustration (in general) and digital workflows (specifically). If there's anything you'd like me to touch on in said post, feel free to holler at me in the comments!

"Put another pin in your hat, Dot. You're in for a fast ride"

I just started watching "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries," which inevitably means drawing the eponymous Miss Fisher. Aside from the historical glosses (ahem, pants) Phryne's a cracker jack detective, DI Robinson is an A+ straight man and I'm pretty sure Dot and I would be BFF's in another lifetime.

And before I forget, the second installment in the Oh My Godmother series, The Magic Mistake is out in a few weeks! Speaking of which, if you're in the mood to win a signed, hardcover copy of said book, I'd get a move on over to Goodreads for a giveaway, ASAP.

Twenty Fourteen

Hello 2014, I'm so glad to make your acquaintance.

The holidays were swell. 2013 was great. But now that January's here, I'm itching to get going on the new year at hand.

I've been mulling over the next twelve months, making notes about projects to tackle and places to go. And I've been making resolutions. So far, I've tasked myself with reading 25 books and sewing a pair of blue jeans. I'm planning to visit Los Angeles, Washington, D.C and (fingers crossed) Québec. And I'm quite sure I need to pitch a tent this summer and shun electricity for a couple days.

Also, I'm planning to draw. And draw. And draw some more. I want to finish a book dummy, screenprint fabric and and burn through all the pages in my brand new sketchbook.

So in short, here's to twenty fourteen. Wishing you loads of luck in your fledgling adventures and hopeful goals.
