Staying Warm


It seems like everybody and their brother is sewing a quilted vest at the moment and because it can snow here until April, I didn’t feel like it was too much of a lost cause to be making one myself in March. I’m using prints from Eloise’s Garden, vintage linens, Spoonflower test swatches and a few bits of linoleum block printed fabric. And this quilted vest pattern from Purl Soho is free (!), so that’s what I’m using to put this all together.

Other March things:

The Wild Atlantic Way


Going through some old artwork recently, I ran across scans of this coaster I illustrated for the Salut! 6 show at Nucleus Portland last year. It’s reminding me of the west coast of Ireland, which seeing as St. Patrick’s Day is in a few weeks, seems apropos to post.

And if you, too, fantasize on the daily about running off to Eire, may I recommend the website Cheap Irish Houses? The site is absolutely fantastic for kickstarting daydreams about your dream cottage in County Wherever.

The Infanta


This Infanta has been showing up in my sketchbook for the past 15 years. I probably owe her a story, with that level of persistence.

Also, I’ve been updating my portfolio over the past few weeks. In addition to new book samples, there’s now a section for lettering and design, updated sketchbooks and some new surface design work.

Words on the Wall


I have a mental list of dream projects and clients. Over the years, the list has shifted, some hopes staying and others evolving. And there’s a few things on that list that have even come to pass — like illustrating for Taproot Magazine.

But one project I’ve wanted to work on for ages is a mural. For someone who tends to work at impossibly small sizes, this is definitely playing against type. But the heart wants, etc., etc. So here’s me hinting rather loudly to the internets that I’d very much like to paint a mural for someone, somewhere. And if you were to ever let that mural incorporate my favorite line from Dostoevsky, I would love you forever.

I possess a decidedly snarky streak and make daily attempts to squelch it, with varying degrees of success. But these words make even me stop and feel that maybe, just maybe, beauty can destroy what is hideous and build up what is wounded. Perhaps not today, but maybe tomorrow.

And I’ll take that bit of a glimmer, for whatever it’s worth.

Things Being Painted


A new pattern I’ve been working on, inspired by traditional Polish paper cutting, Wycinanki.

And some news about a new picture book (scroll way, way down for the announcement). I’m painting the cover for this one at the moment, the last bit of art I have left to do. Larissa Theule’s manuscript moved me to tears on the very first read through and it feels bittersweet to be finishing this book, a story that I have loved so much.

Skulls and Such


I’ve had a pause between projects, so have been using the time to tackle a few things on my to do list. One of those items is a postcard, inspired by the story of Vasilisa the Beautiful and Baba Yaga. Reading about the tale, I realized this Ivan Bilibin illustration was in the collection of stories I read as a child, an edition my mother had owned herself when young. Frankly, I have zero memory of those skulls, which fascinates me. It didn’t take much to scare me growing up: I still remember the terror I felt when the commercials for Twin Peaks aired. So I’m intrigued that I don’t remember the ghoulishness of those skeletons, but do remember Vasilisa’s heroism. Which if you’re going to remember anything, is, I suppose, the better thing to recall. Also, if you want to do a deep dive into Bilibin’s art, wow.


  • Most of what I’m listening to at the moment.

  • I’d watched the ITV remake of Professor T this summer and didn’t think it possible anyone could supersede Ben Miller in the titular role, but the original Belgian production is absolutely stellar. Caveat: I skipped the first episode, because of the subject matter, but have enjoyed all the others.

  • I’m reading The Penguin Book of Mermaids at the moment. It’s a compendium of merfolk stories, from all over the world and throughout history. The best parts have been the oral histories from Estonia and Scotland, where locals recount their stories of mermaid interactions. It’s worth a read for those sections alone.

And the lemon trees I mentioned back in December? They’re still plugging along, pictured below. They, too, are rather anxious for winter to get a move on out of here.


Free Valentine Printable

Free Valentine printable

Monday is Valentine’s Day, so here’s a free printable to celebrate. There’s two per page and you’re welcome to print as many as you like for school, library and personal use. Looking at this, I really want the Linzer cookie the girl is holding. Guess it’s time for a coffee/cookie break… Enjoy the card!

Download Here

And if you’d like some more variety, here’s a few more Valentine’s I created for other years.