The Piratess


Imaginary labels for imaginary libations. Although on second thought, pirates seem more like rum aficionados than G&T fans.


Testing, Testing


It’s exactly a month until the release of Mouseboat, written by Larissa Theule. It feel like final artwork was just turned in for this yesterday, but the calendar reminds me that was close to a year (!) ago.

I’ve begun sifting through early sketches and art tests, ahead of the book’s release. It’s always fascinating what remains and what is done away with during this stage. Here’s a few early pieces of art from the book.

And I’m over the moon that Mouseboat has a starred review from both Booklist and The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books.


A mossy pattern and a fairy maid. The above-average-temperatures have me prematurely thinking spring. And while that’s a ways off yet, the longer days and the brighter mornings are very much welcome.

Assorted Things:

  • I just finished watching the first season of Astrid et Raphaëlle and it’s absolutely charming (streaming stateside on Amazon and airing on PBS affiliates).

  • If you’re local to seacoast New Hampshire, Two Bees Café is splendid. I popped in for a carrot cake and a coffee this week. Days later, I’m still obsessing over the wallpaper.

  • Wildcat, a new Flannery O’Connor biopic is in the works.

  • This London-loving sweater pattern went straight into my Ravelry queue.

Hourly Comic Day


Because I needed a creative kick in the pants, I decided to give Hourly Comic Day a whirl. I had a free day Wednesday and thought it would be a good challenge to work in a format I don’t typically use. All in all, it’s pretty mundane, but Miley Cyrus and homemade turkey soup do make an appearance (just not together), so there’s that.

:: Read here / Click Thumbnails to Advance ::

Snow Maidens and Mishaps


A linocut I did of the Snow Maiden in December, back when snow made me think of Narnia and Turkish delight and not 24+ hour power outages. And shoveling. So much shoveling. I’m writing this, though, while listening to a chorus of chainsaws dealing with downed tree limbs. Let me tell you, it’s a sweet, sweet sound.


A year’s worth of Bargue plates. I have a long way to go in improving accuracy, rendering technique etc., but it’s been hugely helpful working through these. A couple of these are second attempts (and even third attempts in the case of the drawing of L'Inconnue). But more of these in 2023, for sure.

Other things:

  • I love Hattie Kerr’s Instagram feed (and especially her fingerless glove knitting patterns).

  • The true story of one woman’s circuitous return to the Aran Islands, Miss Folan’s Last Wish is a splendid listen. Stranger than fiction and decidedly heart-felt, I hope it gets optioned for a film. Quickly.

  • I picked up Magpie Murders to read after having seen the television adaptation last month. It’s a fun, cozy mystery, making it the perfect antidote to the winter blahs. I read nights until my eyes were literally crossing from fatigue, I was that determined to plow through to the reveal.

  • The cover for Anne Dares just popped up online, part of the Anne of Green Gables inspired series I’ve been illustrating.

Twelfth Night


New year, new things. I haven’t worked with colored pencils in eons, so giving those another go. I love the line quality and texture in Eric Ravilious’s lithographs, so that was a bit of inspiration.


One last Christmas picture, because it’s the 12th day. I bought plain white gift wrap at the dollar store and painted it with leftover acrylic that I had on hand. Everything was tied up with yarn and a tag tucked in for good measure.

And now off to the weekend. Vegetable soup is boiling away and it’s a proper snowy January night outside, so I have plans to curl up with this book and a quilt. Or two. Or three.