Happy New Year! Hope your holidays were splendid.
I've been mulling over the new year, making plans and resolutions, albeit slowly and with a heavy dose of realism. Professionally, I'd like to:
* Continue to explore embroidery and surface design.
* Make some sort of a zine (or if I'm really ambitious, a book) that would consist of sketchbook faces and accompanying stories.
* Get back to making comics, however sporadically that happens.
Aside from that, I'm working on final art for a 2018 picture book right now, then will shift gears to a project that I can't wait to share more about. And in the fall, Fort Building Time by Megan Wagner Lloyd comes out!
* I want to make more of my clothes, mostly because as a grown woman it's impossible to find a shirt covered in cephalopods. But also for reasons of sustainability, I'd like to knit and sew more of my wardrobe, even if it's only a handful of items.
* Reading is on my list of resolutions, but I'm not setting a number of books this year. The Brothers Karamazov and Little Dorrit have been sitting on the shelf forever. Owing to their size, I'm planning to read a couple hefty books this year, rather than a lot of shorter volumes.
And beyond all that, I think I'll just stay the course. I'm sure there'll be trips to see family, vintage shenanigans and hopefully some more camping once the weather accomodates.
And you?