

The last time I looked it was Memorial Day, but now the calendar is telling me it’s August. The whiplash is real. It’s late summer because the freckles are in full force, I can’t remember the last time I wore socks and ice cream suddenly seems an acceptable supper. But aside from that:

  • I watched Wildcat this past weekend. I’m still thinking about it nearly a week later. To be honest, I’d cued it up with considerable hesitation. As a diehard O’Connor fan, I feared Flannery being reduced to a caricature: a cranky southern lady with a bird hobby. Those fears were unfounded. Are there things a purist will take umbrage with? Sure. I’d have cut Robert Lowell and introduced Erik Langkjaer (which would have enhanced the “Good Country People” scenes). I wanted more Wiseblood. But overall? This is an absolute gem of a movie that stays with you long after the end credits have run. And Wildcat’s examination of suffering really, really resonated.

  • The thing making me the happiest in the garden this year are the Pepperoncini. I’m hoping to pickle some and this recipe looks great.

  • Anne Dreams comes out next week! More on that soon.