To Do


I would really, really love to paint some store windows. I would (potentially) be willing to do so as a barter even, provided I was compensated in large quantities of peanut butter cookies and lattes (whole milk, no sugar). Anyway, I couldn’t resist a mockup of a cafe idea in my head.


This summer has flown by. The light and the temperatures have shifted, slightly. And while I miss being able to walk the dog at 8 at night, I do not miss the effects of humidity on my hair (very true to life sketch above). More than one person has said the word “Fall” in front of me this week and it was everything I could do not hollering, “NOT. YET.” To be fair, though, the mornings have been cool. And the garden looks like the last guest at a party: tired, past its prime, but not ready to head home quite yet.

Other things: