
I'm in the home stretch with final artwork for Fort Building Time, so am in full blown mole mode at the moment. Life consists mostly of large quantities of iced coffee, zillions of podcasts and the occasional walk to get said iced coffee. Also, I've lately stumbled on the trick of listening to movie/television soundtracks while working (for times when music with lyrics is distracting). Speaking of which, any soundtrack recommendations?

And some Finding Wild news! I'm thrilled that Finding Wild made the Summer Kids' Indie Next List. And Finding Wild is also on Reading Rocket's Summer Reading Guide, a 2016 Bunk Reads selection and got a nice mention from the good folks at the TD Summer Reading Club. Confetti!

Happy Weekend!


Since our last transmission:

* I've finished artwork for Finding Wild, by Megan Wagner Lloyd. Coming out Summer 2016, it's been a delight to illustrate. I can't wait to share more in the coming months about this book.

* I have a backlog of prints as well as some scarfs that'll be winging their way into my Etsy shop throughout the month.

* Aside from that, I'm attempting to root a Bird of Paradise cutting, binging on episodes of Agatha Raisin and itching to sew the Dottie Angel frock pattern.

* And a belated Happy Canada Day and an early Happy July 4th!

The Magic Mistake

Today's the release day for the second installment in the "Oh My Godmother series," The Magic Mistake! Written by Barbara Brauner and James Iver Mattson and illustrated by me, The Magic Mistake was a real treat to work on. It's not every day that you get to draw a snarky fairy godmother with cat-eye glasses*, you know? And thanks to the nice people at Disney, especially editor Catherine Onder and Whitney Manger for the top notch art direction.
*Fun fact: Katarina's specs are modeled after a vintage pair my Aunt Polly gave me for Christmas a few years ago. Additional fun fact: The Magic Mistake is dedicated to the aforementioned aunt (who's pretty great, by the by).