To Do


I would really, really love to paint some store windows. I would (potentially) be willing to do so as a barter even, provided I was compensated in large quantities of peanut butter cookies and lattes (whole milk, no sugar). Anyway, I couldn’t resist a mockup of a cafe idea in my head.


This summer has flown by. The light and the temperatures have shifted, slightly. And while I miss being able to walk the dog at 8 at night, I do not miss the effects of humidity on my hair (very true to life sketch above). More than one person has said the word “Fall” in front of me this week and it was everything I could do not hollering, “NOT. YET.” To be fair, though, the mornings have been cool. And the garden looks like the last guest at a party: tired, past its prime, but not ready to head home quite yet.

Other things:



The last time I looked it was Memorial Day, but now the calendar is telling me it’s August. The whiplash is real. It’s late summer because the freckles are in full force, I can’t remember the last time I wore socks and ice cream suddenly seems an acceptable supper. But aside from that:

  • I watched Wildcat this past weekend. I’m still thinking about it nearly a week later. To be honest, I’d cued it up with considerable hesitation. As a diehard O’Connor fan, I feared Flannery being reduced to a caricature: a cranky southern lady with a bird hobby. Those fears were unfounded. Are there things a purist will take umbrage with? Sure. I’d have cut Robert Lowell and introduced Erik Langkjaer (which would have enhanced the “Good Country People” scenes). I wanted more Wiseblood. But overall? This is an absolute gem of a movie that stays with you long after the end credits have run. And Wildcat’s examination of suffering really, really resonated.

  • The thing making me the happiest in the garden this year are the Pepperoncini. I’m hoping to pickle some and this recipe looks great.

  • Anne Dreams comes out next week! More on that soon.

The Return of the Fireflies


I’ve been so nose-to-the-grindstone lately that I really haven’t done much personal work. But I did sneak in some time to paint this.


It’s been a peculiar garden year. The weather has been all over the place, but to be fair, I was late getting in a lot of the early crops. The chamomile is going gangbuster this year, though, and if you add that and some mint to seltzer water, it’s a delight. The teacup is not necessary, but it can’t hurt.



I’m almost done with The Lord of the Rings. And by “almost done,” I mean I have somewhere around 250 pages to go, which considering that I’m 880 pages in, is okay’ish. Several weeks back, my mom jokingly promised to bake me a Lord of the Rings cake when I finally finished the book. I decided to ignore the fact that the offer was in jest and instead have been sending her LOTR cake ideas such as Exhibit A and Exhibit B. Promises, promises…

Anyway, I couldn’t resist doing a quick painting today of Éowyn doing battle with the Nazgûl. If I ever form an Icelandic metal band (which, to be honest, isn’t high on my list of priorities) I’d name if after these guys.

"Keep Sinking All My Ships..."


Never not a sucker for this song/lyrics.

  • I started a Substack (because who needs sleep, ha…) with a focus on illustration, picture books, art, etc. It’s still very much in its infancy, but I’m hoping to do some more in-depth writing there, the sort of thing I’d have liked access to as a freshly hatched illustrator. Any/all suggestions for future posts are welcome.

  • I can’t vouch for the ending, but I’m 3/4 of the way through ”The Ipcress File” and it’s a delightful throwback to old school spy films. Great use of 60’s camera angles, impeccable costuming and oodles of globe trotting are a delight. Also, there’s Tom Hollander as an MI6 handler and that alone should sell you.


Tiptoe through the Tulips


A springtime pattern, inspired by my mom’s garden. This is the first year in recent memory that the deer haven’t mowed down the tulips and the bulbs are glorious.

And because I can never say no to a mockup, here’s some flowery tennis shoes.